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NUCHI Bylaws

Bylaws of NUCHI, the Northern Utah Special Interest Group on Computer and Human Interaction of the Association for Computing Machinery

Table of Contents

Article I - Name and Scope
Article II - Purpose
Article III - Charter
Article IV - Membership
Article V - Officers
Article VI - Duties of Officers
Article VII - Executive Council
Article VIII - Standing Committees


Article IX - Temporary Committees
Article X - Meetings
Article XI - Disbursements and Dues
Article XII - Modification to the Bylaws
Article XIII - Selection of Officers
Article XIV - Elections
Article XV - Dissolution of the Chapter

Article I - Name and Scope

  1. This organization shall be called the Utah Association for Computing Machinery Special Interest Group on Computer and Human Interaction, also known as the Utah ACM SIGCHI. In these bylaws it will be referred to as "ACM".
  2. The scope of the Chapter encompasses all aspects of the computer-human interaction process, including research and development efforts leading to the design and evaluation of user interfaces. The Chapter serves as a forum for the exchange of ideas among computer scientists, human factors scientists, psychologists, social scientists, systems designers and end users.
  3. The Chapter will support activities complimentary to ACM SIGCHI, the ACM and other ACM activities in Utah.


Article II - Purpose

  1. The Chapter is organized and will be operated exclusively for educational and scientific purposes. Specific objectives are:
    1. To promote an increased knowledge of and greater interest in the science, design, development, and applications of modern computing in computer and human interaction.
    2. To provide a means of communication between persons having an interest in computer and human interaction.
    3. To provide a means of developing and maintaining the integrity and competence of individuals engaged in the practices of the arts and sciences of computer and human interaction.
  2. The activities of this Chapter will include the following:
    1. Collecting and disseminating information through a newsletter, announcements, on-line conferences and other methods.
    2. Sponsoring meetings, conferences, symposia, discussion groups and workshops.
    3. Organizing sessions at ACM conferences.
    4. Serving as a source of information for its members, other ACM units and the general public.
    5. Working with other ACM units on activities such as lectures, professional development seminars and technical briefings.


Article III - Charter

  1. This Chapter is chartered by the ACM. It is formed and will operate under the sponsorship of the ACM, the Local Activities Board, ACM SIGCHI and the SIG Board.
  2. This Chapter can be dissolved by consent of its members, or by action of the Local Activities Board with concurrence of the SIG Board.
  3. These bylaws neither supersede nor abrogate any of the provisions in the ACM Constitution and Bylaws or Policies and Procedures of the ACM that regulate SIG or chapter affairs.


Article IV - Membership

  1. The Chapter is an open Local SIG. Anyone who supports its purpose may join the Chapter. A person becomes a voting member of the Chapter by enrolling and paying its required dues.
  2. Student membership shall be open to all full-time students; student membership dues shall be determined by the executive Council, but shall not exceed 75% of the regular member dues.


Article V - Officers

  1. The officers of this Chapter shall be: Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, and Treasurer.
  2. All officers of the Chapter must be voting Members of the Association, of ACM SIGCHI and of this Chapter.
  3. Officers shall be elected by a plurality of votes cast by the voting members of the Chapter.
  4. The officers are elected for one year beginning immediately upon election. Officers may, at their discretion, extend their terms to two years without holding an election.


Article VI - Duties of Officers

  1. The Chair is the principal officer and is responsible for leading the Chapter and managing its activities in accordance with the policies and procedures of the ACM. Duties of the Chair are:
    1. Conducting the activities of the Chapter in accordance with the policies of the ACM and the ACM SIGCHI.
    2. Ensuring that all reporting requirements to ACM and ACM SIGCHI are met.
    3. Monitoring the financial status of the Chapter.
    4. Calling and presiding at meetings of the Chapter's officers and business meetings of the Chapter.
    5. With the advice of the Chapter's Executive Council, the Chairperson shall appoint non-elective positions, such as Membership Chair, Publicity Chair, and Program Chair.
    6. In the absence of the Vice Chair or other officers, keeping a log of all major decisions of the Chapter and managing records of the Chapter.
    7. Performing other duties as required for the administration of the Chapter.
  2. The Vice Chair shall preside at meetings in the absence of the Chair, assist the Chair in the management of the Chapter, and perform other duties that may be assigned by the Chair.
  3. The Secretary shall keep the minutes of all business and Executive Council meetings of the Chapter. Other duties of the Secretary include:
    1. Maintaining the records of the Chapter.
    2. Preparation of the Chapter's Activity Report and submission of this report to ACM Headquarters.
    3. Notification to ACM Headquarters of any changes in the officers of the Chapter.
    4. Submission of any proposed amendment to these bylaws to the Chairs of the Local Activities Board and the ACM Constitution and Bylaws Committee for approval.
    5. Performing other duties that may be assigned by the Chair.
  4. The Treasurer is the chief financial officer of the Chapter. Duties of the Treasurer include:
    1. Managing the finances of the Chapter according to the policies and procedures of the ACM, including collecting dues and paying all bills.
    2. Keeping full and accurate accounts of receipts and expenditures of the Chapter.
    3. Completing and submitting the Annual Financial Report to ACM Headquarters.
    4. Performing other duties as may be assigned by the Chair.


Article VII - Executive Council

  1. The Executive Council shall consist of the present officers of the Chapter, the immediate Past Chair, and those chairing the Chapter's standing committees.
  2. The term of the members of the Council shall be coincident with the terms of the officers.


Article VIII - Standing Committees

The Standing Committees of the Chapter shall be Program, Membership and Publicity.

  1. The Program Committee shall plan and make arrangements for the technical programs of the Chapter's meetings in accordance with the membership's interests and the aims of the Chapter as set forth in Article II.
  2. The Membership Committee shall plan membership activities for the Chapter and work with the officers to involve current and prospective members, including the general public.
  3. The Publicity Committee shall plan activities that present information about Chapter activities to the members and to the general public.


Article IX - Temporary Committees

  1. With the advice of the Executive Council, the Chairperson may appoint such temporary committees as appropriate.


Article X - Meetings

  1. Meetings shall be held as planned by the Program Committee. The Chapter will conduct at least two meetings a year for the general membership.
  2. Written notices of all meetings shall be distributed to all members at I east one week prior to any meeting.
  3. The Chapter shall hold meetings only in places that are open and accessible to all members of the Association. In addition the meeting places must meet all government requirements for accessibility and safety.
  4. No official business of the Chapter shall be conducted unless a quorum of the Chapter is present.
  5. A quorum of the Chapter shall be defined as 30 percent of the voting membership of the Chapter or at least 10 voting members, which ever is greater.
  6. A simple majority of the members present and voting shall be required to carry a motion.


Article XI - Disbursements and Dues

  1. Disbursements from the Treasury for expenditures of the Chapter shall be made by the Treasurer with authorization of the Executive Council and shall be included in the minutes of its meetings.
  2. Dues shall be fixed annually by the Executive Council.


Article XII - Modification to the Bylaws

  1. All proposed changes to these Chapter Bylaws shall have been approved by the Chairpersons of the Local Activities Board and the ACM Constitution and Bylaws Committee before being presented to the Chapter membership for a vote.
  2. Proposals to modify the bylaws or add new voting officers must be approved by a majority of the Chapter's officers, and presented to the membership during a regular election. A majority vote of the membership is required for approval, and the amended bylaws will become effective for the following election.


Article XIII - Selection of Officers

  1. Officers will be elected by a plurality of votes cast by the voting members of the Chapter.


Article XIV - Elections

  1. The officers of the Chapter shall set the election schedule, including the call for nominations, the announcement of the slate of candidates and election date, the election, and the announcement of the election results. The announcement of the election must precede the actual election by at least 6 weeks.


Article XV - Dissolution of the Chapter

  1. Dissolution of this Chapter by consent of the members shall consist of unanimous agreement of all its officers together with a majority vote at a meeting which has been publicized in advance to all members of the Chapter for the purpose of taking this vote.
  2. Should this Chapter be dissolved its assets and liabilities shall be transferred to ACM and shall be supervised by the Local Activities Board.
