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Home > Meetings > December 2005

Workshop: Agile Software Development - The Cooperative Game

Alistair Cockburn - Humans and Technology

December 9, 2005—Sandy Hampton Inn


Thanks to Alistair for a great workshop.

Original Workshop Invitation

Agile Workshop

Date: Friday, December 9th. 8:30 - 4:30. Lunch provided.

Location: Hampton Inn near 106th South and I-15.

Speaker: Dr. Alistair Cockburn, co-author of both the Agile Manifesto and the Project Management Declaration of Interdependence, author of Agile Software Development and also Writing Effective Use Cases.
The morning will be spent on understanding "software development as a cooperative game of invention and communication", with agile software development a special case. The afternoon will be spent on techniques or lecture items determined by the group who attends the Sept 8 discussion. Items that may be chosen include: The "blitz planning" technique; using burn charts; understanding and planning with increments; a process and methodology tuning workshop technique; an overview of agile methodologies.

Sponsors: NUCHI and The Computer Society