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Home > Meetings > May 2002

CHI 2002 Review

Marc Chrusch - Learnframe
Katy Ong
Grant Skousen - 7i design

May 21, 2002— Cogito

CHI 2002 Presentations

Meeting Summary

Three perspectives on CHI 2002.

Marc Chrusch's presentation:

Katy Ong's presentation:

Grant Skousen's presentation:

Thanks to Marc, Katy and Grant for presenting and Cogito for hosting.

Original meeting invitation:

CHI 2002 Review

7:00pm, Tuesday, May 21, 2002

Marc Chrusch - Learnframe
Katy Ong
Grant Skousen - 7i design

Get a taste of CHI 2002 without having to travel to or freeze in Minneapolis. Four perspectives on five days of conference sessions, tutorials and forums - all in a little over an hour of your time. Come and enjoy lively discussion and refreshments.

hosted by:
3521 North University #100
Provo, Utah