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Home > Meetings > January 2002

Explaining User Experience Design to non-CHI Professionals

Andy Schechterman, PhD

January 29, 2002 — Cogito, Provo

Meeting Summary

Andy took us on a whirlwind tour of the methods and metaphors he uses to explain User Experience Design to clients. His presentation covered 123 slides, so what follows just hits a few of the many excellent points he made. Contact Andy if you would like a copy of the present ion.

Blue titles and black text are from Andy's slides. Gray text is my notes and comments.

- Grant Skousen

When communicating with clients it is important to learn to say no to inappropriate requests -- "No, but this is what I can do for you."

Understand the difference between big "I" Innovation and little "i" innovation. Little "i" is the refinement that is easier for people to accept because it fits into their current way of working/living.
"[All change] and new things put tremendous strain on old ways."

You Must . . .

Human Design = Business Success

Shocking but True (1 of 3) (Cooper)

Shocking but True (2 of 3) (Cooper)

Shocking but True (3 of 3) (Cooper)

Completed Designs are Trade-offs between Resource Limitations, Business Objectives, and User Experience Objectives

Where the Rubber Hits the Road...

The three layers from the user's perspective:


User-Experience Design (UXD)

UXD (User Experience Design) . . .

Some UXD Basics

How Well Can You Know Users?

Andy gave several examples of getting to know your users. These were rich with pictures and stories.

We will not presume to design experiences for people, but we will do
so with them, if asked.
– John Thackara (Doors of Perception)

The best market and design intelligence comes from simply spending time with your users.
– Aaron Marcus

UXD Results in Actionable Models

Is There a Business Case? (YES !)

Thanks to Andy for presenting and Cogito for hosting.

Original meeting invitation:

Explaining User Experience Design to non-CHI Professionals

Andy Schechterman, PhD

Tuesday, January 29th 2002, 7:00pm

hosted by:
3521 North University #100
Provo, Utah

With emphasis on real-world discovery, and drawing on user studies he conducted from the 80’s to the present, Andy has assembled a sample presentation of slides he shares with business stakeholders who are curious about the philosophy, method and process underlying human-centered design of products, services, and environments, digital and non-digital. While some stakeholders may still need to be sold, most simply need to better understand - to be walked through - what it is they are about to embark upon. Non-HCI and non-technology guests are also encouraged to attend.