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Home > Meetings > January 2001

Usability at Fidelity

Thomas S. Tullis, Ph.D. (
Fidelity Investments Systems

January 24, 2001 — Fidelity, Salt Lake City

Meeting Summary

The Utah CHI community thanks Robert Schloss and Fidelity (Salt Lake City) for hosting an educational evening exploring Human Factors and Usability. Our esteemed guest was Dr. Tom Tullis, Fidelity Vice President (Boston). Tom runs the Human Interface Design department. As expected, Tom entertained and educated more than 30 of us - with a PowerPoint presentation and video detailing usability lab case studies and recommended rules-of-thumb . . . for effective web-based interface and interaction design.

As part of his presentation Tom shared the "Top Ten" Lessons Learned from Usability Tests. His presentation was much richer than this list, including video clips, screen shots, etc. but this list gives a feel for the information covered at the meeting:

10.  Lack of Consistency

9.  Not providing enough "Finding" Tools

8.  Not Providing Sufficient Navigation Mechanisms

7.  Overloaded Pages

6.  Bad Links

5.  Too Many Levels of Pages

4.  Using Color Combinations that are Hard to Read

3.  Not Accommodating Your User's Screen Resolution

2.  Making Text Too Small

1.  Not Designing from Your User's Perspective

To understand more about Fidelity's commitment to usability, take a look at these articles: